Proactive approach to Physical Security enabled by LiDAR Based Spatial AI

Stay One Step Ahead with LiDAR Based Security Solutions

LiDAR technology is transforming the security industry by offering high-accuracy, all-weather monitoring, reducing false alarms, and enhancing perimeter & access control.

In the security and surveillance landscape, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology is changing the way we monitor and protect various environments.

LiDAR based security solutions helps security teams monitor and analyze public spaces in real-time while staying one step ahead of potential threats, and keeping infrastructures safe.

The Rise of LiDAR in Security

Traditionally, security systems have relied on a combination of cameras, thermal sensing and manual monitoring to detect and respond to threats.

However, these methods often fall short in challenging conditions such as low light, adverse weather, or complex environments.

A detailed comparison of LiDAR, Radar and Camera Technology
This article explores the capabilities and limitations of each type of sensor, to provide a clear understanding of why LiDAR has emerged as a strong contender in computer vision tech race.

LiDAR technology overcomes these limitations by providing high-resolution, 3D mapping and object detection regardless of external conditions like rain, fog or darkness.

LiDAR technology is improving public safety by creating high-resolution visuals of public areas to detect suspicious activity, track the movements of individuals, and identify potential security threats before they occur.

It is a top choice for monitoring and security applications, as it can detect the slightest changes in the area.
Applications of LiDAR Based Spatial AI in the security industry

We will cover the comprehensiveness of LiDAR Solutions below:

Perimeter Surveillance

Unlike traditional technology, LiDAR systems when used with the right Spatial Data processing software, can differentiate between human and non-human movements, reducing false alarms and ensuring timely response to genuine threats.

LiDAR based Computer Vision technology enhances perimeter security by creating a virtual fence that detects intrusions with high accuracy.
Perimeter Surveillance with LiDAR Technology

Intruder Tracking

LiDAR technology can track intruders in real-time, providing continuous updates on their location and movement.

As soon as a potential intruder is detected on premises, their exact location, speed and position can be known in real time with the help of Outsight's Spatial AI which operates with the highest level of accuracy as compared to traditional methods of surveillance.

This capability is indispensable for large facilities where manual monitoring is impractical.
Outsight's Shift Perception which seamlessly integrates with leading VMS Software like Genetec and Milestone

Moreover, Spatial AI technology, like Outsight's Shift Perception can be easily integrated with those of leading VMS Solutions like Genetec & Milestone for an added layer of benefit for security solutions.

Facade Surveillance
LiDAR systems are one of the very few systems that are adept at monitoring building facades for unauthorized access or activity.

By creating detailed 3D maps of exterior surfaces, Outsight's LiDAR technology can detect attempts to scale or breach building walls, providing an additional layer of security against intrusion.

Outsight's 3D Perception Software for facade surveillance

Building Access Control

LiDAR systems enhance access control systems by monitoring entry and exit points with high precision to avoid instances of tailgating.

The right combination of LiDARs with a comprehensive data processing software like Outsight, can identify unauthorized access attempts and trigger alerts, integrating seamlessly with other security measures such as existing VMS Systems to fortify building security.

Zone Based Critical Assets Monitoring

Protecting critical infrastructure and assets is a top priority for many organizations.

Zone based monitoring of critical assets or important areas in the premises to fortify security
Zone-based monitoring with Outsight's Shift Perception solution

Outsight's Spatial Intelligence technology provides continuous monitoring of vital equipment and areas, detecting any unusual activity or potential threats in these custom-made zones.

This proactive approach ensures that vulnerabilities are addressed before they can be exploited.

Interior and Roof Protection

LiDAR systems are not limited to external surveillance; they are equally effective indoors and on rooftops.

By creating detailed maps of interior spaces, LiDAR can detect unwarranted movements within buildings and provide rooftop security against potential breaches.

3D Computer Vision based security systems outperform traditional systems for indoor as well as outdoor applications

Advantages of LiDAR Technology in Security

  1. High Accuracy: LiDAR systems offer centimeter-level accuracy, making them ideal for precise security applications.
  2. All-Weather Performance: Unlike cameras, LiDAR operates effectively in various weather and lighting conditions, including fog, rain, and darkness.
  3. Reduced False Alarms: By distinguishing between different types of movements, LiDAR significantly reduces the incidence of false alarms.
  4. Scalability: LiDAR technology can be scaled to cover large areas and complex environments, providing flexible solutions for diverse security needs.
  5. Integration with Existing VMS Systems: LiDAR can be easily integrated with other Camera based VMS like Genetec & Milestone, enhancing overall system effectiveness.
LiDAR Enhances Security Solutions
LiDAR-based security systems, with the right perception software, provide smart, efficient, and automated means of preventing threats and avoiding false positive detections.

The Adoption of LiDAR Based Security Solutions

From safeguarding critical infrastructure to enhancing public safety, LiDAR is playing a pivotal role in creating safer environments.

This third-gen technology is outperforming its predecessors across all applications:

Introducing 3rd Gen People Counting Technology
Mirroring the technological evolution seen across various industries, People Tracking and Counting Technologies have already entered their third generation.

In conclusion, LiDAR technology is transforming the security landscape by providing highly accurate, reliable, and scalable solutions.

Its ability to operate in diverse conditions and reduce false alarms makes it an invaluable tool for modern security systems.

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