Outsight becomes Becomtech official partner
Outsight has partnered with Becomtech, a national organization for girls and women in technology, to promote digital diversity.
Women are underrepresented in the IT and digital industries. Even though women make up 33% of IT and digital workers in 2018, most of them (84%) work in "support roles" like HR, marketing, and communication. Only 16% of these women work in technical positions like operations, development, production, and project management (1).
Furthermore, girls make up 56% of general education students but only 14% of those who specialize in "digital and computer science" and 13% of those who specialize in "engineering sciences" (2).
In an effort to promote diversity in the digital space, Outsight, a leading provider of Spatial Intelligence software solutions, has entered into a partnership agreement with Becomtech, a national organization for girls and women in technology founded in 2017.
About the partnership
Becomtech aims to increase the representation of women in technology by promoting gender equality and diversity in the IT and digital fields. It achieves this through various free, inclusive programs that utilize active learning methods and provide long-term support.
As a partner, Outsight will provide financial and operational support for Becomtech’s initiatives, such as the “JUMP IN TECH” program and the “AMBASSADORS BECOMTECH” program, among other collaborative efforts to empower women.
On the one hand, the “JUMP IN TECH'' program aims to help girls between 14 and 17 years old discover digital careers, broaden their perspectives, and remove obstacles to their career choices. This program has two parts that happen every year. In schools, more than 1,400 girls take part in around 100 awareness-raising sessions about gender diversity in IT and the digital sector. In July, more than 120 teenage girls took part in nine face-to-face and online classes to learn about computer programming and digital communication. 75% of girls include digital in their career choices after JUMP IN TECH.
The "BECOMTECH AMBASSADORS" program, on the other hand, long-term supports the 435 JUMP IN TECH alumnae aged 15 to 25, in their digital technology desires and projects, giving them the power to act and build their career plans. The program is structured around three axes: group workshops, individual coaching, and a community of mutual support. The BECOMTECH Ambassadors have made more than 13,000 people aware of the challenges of gender equality in the digital sector.
Finally, Outsight is committed to donate Becomtech part of its hiring bonuses as well as to share its partnership experience and inspire other software companies to prioritize diversity issues.

- Data from 2018. Source: Becomtech
- Data from 2021. Source: Becomtech