Outsight has been featured as Digital Twin key player

Gartner® Highlights Outsight as Digital Twin leader

Recognized for pioneering real-time digitalization of dynamic environments, Outsight sets itself apart by focusing on the live monitoring of people and vehicle flows.

In a recent presentation on Emerging Tech in Digital Twin technologies, Gartner® spotlighted Outsight as a pivotal player in the 3D technology landscape.

Outsight was recognized alongside industry giants like Autodesk, Esri, Hexagon, and Dassault Systèmes for its innovative contributions to Digital Twin technology.

Companies highlighted by Gartner®

While these established companies focus primarily on static components of Digital Twins—such as buildings, mapping, product design, and industrial equipment and processes—Outsight stands out as the leader in digitizing the physical flows of people and vehicles in real time.

This novel approach represents a new kind of Live Digital Twin, enabling dynamic monitoring and management of spatial interactions as they happen.

Outsight's advanced Spatial AI software platform, powered by 3D LiDAR data, are revolutionizing how various sectors manage and utilize real-time spatial information.

Live 3D LiDAR data enables a complete passenger journey experience throughout the entire premises.

This recognition follows many other accolades and awards, including the selection for People Flow Monitoring in the Olympic games and the latest Airport Technology Award for its innovative solutions that enhance airport operations by providing real-time monitoring and management of passenger flows and vehicle movements.

Outsight Earns 2024 Airport Technology Award
Outsight’s groundbreaking Spatial AI Software Platform, Shift, has received the 2024 Airport Technology Excellence Awards, an event aiming to celebrate the best and greatest achievements in the aviation industry.

The most advanced technology for Airport Flow monitoring and Spatial Intelligence

Outsight selected for Paris 2024 Olympics
We have been awarded the Olympic LiDAR award for People Counting and Flow Monitoring in Sport venues.

People counting and flow monitoring for Sport venues

Some of our Global Awards:

World-class Awards and recognitions
World-class Awards and recognitions

By focusing on the digitalization of dynamic, real-time environments, Outsight is not only redefining the capabilities of Digital Twin technology but also setting a new standard for live, actionable insights that enhance operational efficiency, safety, and user satisfaction across various industries.

Real-time 3D view and Analytics provide actionable insights to Infrastructure Operators
Real-time 3D view and Analytics provide actionable insights to Infrastructure Operators
This recognition by Gartner® underscores Outsight's unique position in the evolving Digital Twin ecosystem.

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