LiDAR: a new Era for flow monitoring in Airports

LiDAR: a new Era for flow monitoring in Airports

LiDAR is a game changer technology enabling a whole new level of situation awareness in many airport contexts, from security to operational excellence.

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3D People Flow Monitoring Solutions are bringing a New Era to Airports thanks to LiDAR.

This enabling technology offers 3D measurements with great precision and operates in any lighting condition, unlike older technologies like cameras.

Moreover, LiDARs can cover much larger areas and protect privacy by design.

Outsight's Software allows Airport operators to leverage this amazing technology for different needs and a diversity of stakeholders.

Our solution works with a large number of LiDAR manufacturers and turns raw data into Actionable Insight.

Thanks to our hardware-agnostic solution and strategic partnerships with most hardware manufacturers, you can use the best sensor or combination of them:

Among other capabilities you can for example continuously track passenger journeys and monitor asset utilization.

The user-friendly web dashboard allows you to monitor dozens of key performance indicators and receive instant alerts.

The Advanced Analytics performed by the solution, such as the automatic detection of overflowing passenger queues, provide you valuable insights for both real-time decision making as well as long-term planning.

Deploying the solution is super easy: we provide full support on each stage of the process, starting from 3D Simulator Tool for planning and optimizing LiDAR placement and Installation.

First Multi-Vendor 3D LiDAR Simulator Unveiled
Outsight has developed a LiDAR simulator for any use case and application, from airports to mobile robotics, smart cities and industrial applications.

Large scale deployments at major airports such as Paris Charles de Gaulle and Orly have led to unparalleled transformation.

With its scalability and advanced software algorithms, the Outsight Spatial Intelligence Platform is leading the way in the use of 3D LiDAR data in dozens of use cases.

Achieve Operational Excellence. Improve Security, Safety and Travellers' satisfaction.

All this can be accomplished thanks to Outsight's Spatial Intelligence Plaftorm and the power of LiDAR.

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LiDAR Manages Increased Airport Traffic
See how and why Airports are increasingly using LiDAR-based software solutions to tackle their biggest challenges, leveraging the unique value of Spatial Intelligence.

Don't miss our latest Whitepaper:

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