Outsight's Spatial AI software improving multiple challenges within ITS, intelligent transportation systems

End to end ITS application by Outsight

Outsight provides the easiest and most comprehensive way to use LiDAR in ITS: from Simulation to Deployment and Analytics' Dashboard.

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Let's see the whole process using the raw data from several LiDARs with Outsight's software, from Simulation to Deployment and Analytics' Dashboard in the context of Smart Cities' applications, detecting Vulnerable Road Users and Near Misses events.

The first step, using Outsight Cloud, it's to build a 3D simulation in no time, integrated with Google Maps.

As a result, you can easily see what's the best position and orientation of each LiDAR, and how many of them you actually need.

There is no flawless LiDAR manufacturer: the simulator offers a significant advantage by enabling you to select the most suitable Lidar model or a combination of models from various manufacturers for a specific situation.
Simulation tool showcasing how lidar works during an intersection with pedestrians and cars

The installation is super easy.

Outsight's software comes embedded into a ready to use Edge processing device that also takes care of powering the LiDAR. The data from multiple sensors can be combined in real-time.

Now you are ready to create Zones of interest using the provided Web User Interface. No development is required.

Outsight's lidar software creating zones of interests within an road intersection

These zones, combined with the Object Tracking feature, will trigger events as soon as an object is entering or leaving them.

That includes Pedestrians, for example entering crosswalks, and vehicles that should stop at traffic lights.

Lidar scan of an intersection with people tracking and vehicle tracking.

The data related to these events is delivered in real-time, allowing alarms to be triggered whenever necessary.

The same information, aggregated over time, feeds a Dashboard.

You can now not only react to short-term events, but also analyse trends and track Key Indicators over long periods of time.

And this is how simple and quick it is to create an End-to-End application for Smart Cities.

Outsight processing software, thanks to the unique value of 3D data collected by LiDAR, deliver an unprecedented level of Spatial Intelligence.

Learn more in this article:

LiDAR Software - an enabler for expanding ITS solutions
With the global rise of 3D sensor demand, LiDAR has never been so accessible and it’s becoming essential for Intelligent Transportation System applications.

If you want to dive deeper, get your copy of the LiDAR ITS Cookbook:

Whitepaper download for real-time applications which can be improved with lidar technology

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